The Note Converter tool receives MIDI events from other tools, translates them, and sends the result to all tools connected to its output.
If the <b>MIDI Channel</b> field is set to <Unchanged>, it sends MIDI events with the same MIDI Channel that it received them on. Otherwise, it sends them to the indicated MIDI channel.
If the <b>Constant</b> box is not checked, each note's volume is increased or decreased the indicated amount.
If the <b>Constant</b> box is checked, the input note's volume is ignored, and each note's volume is set to the indicated volume.
Any note less that the <b>Ignore notes below</b> field, or above <b>Ignore notes above</b> field are ignored.
The pitch of the output note is altered by the number of semi-tones indicated in the <b>Transpose</b> field.